

Build current Project Workspace

To build a tapestry project, within the projects working directory execute:

$ tapestry build

By default the build command will load the site configuration followed by its kernel and then begin building using the default environment local. The compiled project will then be output to a folder called build_local within the current working directory.

To change the environment that Tapestry builds the project for use the --env= option, for example:

$ tapestry build --env=development

Tapestry will then output to a folder called build_development within the current working directory.

Changing Source and Destination Paths

By default the Tapestry Build command will use the current working directory for targeting both source and destination paths.

To tell Tapestry to look in a specific source path use the --site-dir option, for example:

$ tapestry build --site-dir=C:\Tapestry\Project\Path

To tell Tapestry to output the compiled files to a specific destination path use the --dist-dir option, for example:

$ tapestry build --dist-dir=C:\An\Output\Path

The build command also has several special flags that may be used:

--no-write: When set, Tapestry will compile the project but not write the result to disk. This is useful when twinned with the --json flag.

--clear: When set, Tapestry will clear the destination path of all files and disable caching.

--json: When set, Tapestry will output a .json file containing the current build state. This is useful for third party tools when paired with --no-write.

--stopwatch: When set, Tapestry will benchmark the build process, reporting on the total execution time and memory used. This was found to be useful during development and has since been left in.

Initiate New Project Workspace

To initiate a new project within an empty path execute:

$ tapestry init

The current working directory must be void of any folders or files otherwise Tapestry will exit with an error.

Alternatively to initiate a new project inside a new folder within the current working directory follow the init command with the name argument:

$ tapestry init ProjectName

Tapestry will create a new folder in the current working directory and initiate into it, if the folder exists it must be empty otherwise Tapestry will exit with an error.

Self Update

If you have installed Tapestry via the preferred route of using the phar archive you can check for and subsequently update Tapestry to the most recent build by executing the following:

$ tapestry init self-update

Tapestry will make a backup copy of your current version of Tapestry before downloading and installing in place the new version – see below for more details on reverting to your previous version.

The self update command also has several special flags that may be used:

--force: When set, Tapestry will update regardless of whether it is the current version or not.

---rollback: When set, Tapestry will rollback to the previous version of Tapestry you had installed. This only works if there is a backup copy available.

--clean-backups: When set, Tapestry will delete any backups that were made; using this option will make reverting to a previously installed version impossible.

Adding your own Commands

Adding commands to Tapestry is done on a per project basis and loaded via the Project Kernel, within its register method. For example:


namespace Site;

use Tapestry\Modules\Kernel\KernelInterface;
use Tapestry\Tapestry;

class kernel implements KernelInterface
     * @var Tapestry
    private $tapestry;

    public function __construct()
        $this->tapestry = Tapestry::getInstance();

    public function register()
        // Not the ideal way of adding the file.
        include __DIR__.'/TestCommand.php';

        /** @var \Tapestry\Console\Application $cliApplication */
        $cliApplication = $this->tapestry->getContainer()->get(\Tapestry\Console\Application::class);
        $cliApplication->add(new TestCommand());

    public function boot()
        // ...

Every Tapestry command must extend Tapestry\Console\Commands\Command and implement two methods configure and fire.

While the configure method is part of the Symfony Console base class, the fire method is not; the fire method is called when your command is loaded and the execute method is called. Tapestry operates in this way to add a stopwatch and make both the Input and Output interfaces available to a few helper methods.

Below is an example test command, loaded by the previous kernel example:


namespace Site;

use Tapestry\Console\Commands\Command;

class TestKernelCommand extends Command
     * @return void
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Hello World From A Kernel Loaded Command');

     * @return int
    protected function fire()
        $this->info('Hello world! This command was loaded via a site Kernel.');

        return 0;
Command Helper Methods

The Tapestry Command class makes a few helper methods available to Tapestry commands:

$this->info($string): A shortcut for $outputInterface->writeln("<info>{$string}</info>")

$this->error($string): A shortcut for $outputInterface->writeln('<error>[!]</error> '.$string);

$this->panic($string, $code = 1): A shortcut for $this->error($string); exit($code);